Contact information

1 Payment 

1.1 For deliveries within Germany we offer the following payment options, provided that the relevant product description in the offer otherwise provides: 
 Advance by transfer 
 cash on delivery 
 Payment on invoice 
 Cash on collection 
For deliveries abroad we offer the following payment options, provided that the relevant product description in the offer otherwise provides: 
 Advance by transfer
 PayPal cash on delivery
 Payment on invoice
 Cash on collection

1.3 For collection, the seller informs the buyer first email that the products ordered are available for collection. After receipt of this email , the buyer can pick up the goods after consultation with the seller. In this case, no shipping costs to be calculated. 

2 Delivery 
2.1 Depending on the size of your order will be dispatched via German Post, DHL , GLS or forwarding. 
2.2 We will ship to the following countries : Europe , World. Each applicable shipping costs can be found in the section 3.4. 
3 Free shipping 
3.1 Germany wide fixed price 6,90 euro Übergösse bulky goods from 15,-euro Euro pallets on request. 
3.2 Please note that when paying cash on delivery the carrier commissioned by us in addition charges to the shipping cash on delivery fee of 0.00 EUR. 
3.3 Please note that cross-border deliveries more taxes (such as in the case of an intra-Community acquisition) or charges, possibly in the form of customs duties may apply, to wear you are. 
3.4 For shipment abroad, we calculate following shipping costs per order: Europe-wide fixed 22,-euro Übergösse bulky goods from 35,-euro Euro pallets on request. Ask for other countries. 
4 Delivery time 
4.1 The delivery time is 7 business days within Germany. An (Saturdays ) Sundays and public holidays will be no delivery. If an item is not in stock or even not be immediately available and the delivery time shall be extended accordingly, is on the product page pointed out. 
4.2 For international shipping, the delivery time is 14 working days. An (Saturdays ) Sundays and public holidays will be no delivery. If an item is not in stock or even not be immediately available and the delivery time shall be extended accordingly, is on the product page pointed out. 


Address Exotic+Raceparts



Michael Feyl
Hochgerichtstr 31
91757 Treuchtlingen

Tel: 09142-201844

Mobil: 0049 (0)173 3874189


Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäss § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE264327833

Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung:

Wir sind zur Teilnahme an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle weder verpflichtet noch bereit.

Phone 0173 3874189
Contact person M. Feyl

BankverbindungvR Bank südliches Franken
Ktn.-Nr. 104768884
BLZ 7651000
IBAN DE3375910000104768884